Immigration Immigration Enforcement and Labor Supply: Hispanic Youth in Mixed-Status Families Authors Joaquin Alfredo-Angel Rubalcaba, Jose R. Bucheli, and Camila Morales evaluate the labor supply behavior of US-born Hispanic youth.
Immigration Manufacturing a Pathway to Citizenship: How Legal Immigration Can Improve Economic Outcomes In this paper, Todd Griffith examines what happened with manufacturing and productivity after Immigration Reform and Control Act took effect.
Immigration Spillover Effects of Immigration Policies on Children’s Human Capital What happens to immigrant communities when immigration enforcement is strictly enforced? Children may be affected the most.
Immigration Send Them Back? The Real Estate Consequences of Repatriations During the Great Depression, the United States removed approximately 263,000 Mexicans, including US citizens. These are the effects.
Immigration Explaining ICE’s Problematic IMAGE: A Public-Private-Partnership in Immigration Policy This little known ICE program called IMAGE has some serious issues. Daniel Chand of Kent State University explains in this working paper.
Immigration Confronting the Immigration Paradox How much does an immigration visa cost? In this policy paper, Korok Ray answers and estimates how many immigrants the U.S. can take in.
Immigration Are College Graduate Immigrants on Work Visas Cheaper than Natives? Companies hire workers outside the US for positions in the country. Omid Bagheri examines if immigrants are a cheaper workforce than natives.
Immigration Are Programs That Use Local and State Police to Enforce Federal Immigration Policies Effective? This piece summarizes research on the costs and benefits of 287(g) programs and The Secure Communities Program.
Immigration The Economic Impact of Migrants from Hurricane Maria In this paper, the authors explore Hurricane Maria’s economic effects on native earnings within the Orlando area.
Immigration Police Trust and Domestic Violence among Immigrants: Evidence from VAWA Self- Petitions The study shows that adopting welcoming policies towards immigrants increases VAWA self-petitions. Learn more about the research here.
Immigration A Macroeconomic Analysis of Deportation or Legalization of Illegal Immigrants What would happen if policymakers decided to provide a path to citizenship for all 11 million immigrants? What about deport all 11 million?
Immigration Sanctuary Cities and Crime This working paper from Washington University's Yuki Otsu finds no evidence that sanctuary policies cause an increase in crime overall.
Immigration State Immigration Restrictions and Crime: Examining Arizona’s SB 1070 This study examines crime rates in Arizona before and after the passage of SB 1070. Learn more about the research here.
Immigration Immigrants Truly Make America Great (And Without Them, That Greatness is at Risk) America has been unique in being both the best country in the world to start a business and being relatively open to aspiring entrepreneurs.
Immigration Do Immigration Enforcement Programs Reduce Crime? In this paper, researchers examine if 287(g) programs, partnerships between federal officials and local law enforcement, are reducing crime.
Immigration Impeding or Accelerating Assimilation? This research examines the effect of immigration enforcement inside the US rather than at the border on naturalization rates.
Immigration Do Immigrants Threaten US Public Safety? This study analyzes existing literature on immigrant crime rates and the impact of legalizing undocumented immigrants through public policy.
Immigration How Do Refugees Impact Labor Markets in the United States? This paper summarizes the academic research on the impact of refugees on labor markets in the United States.