Federal Policy What Does the New Federal Trade Commission Policy Statement Mean for Antitrust? Recognizing that the current FTC leadership is not likely to withdraw its own Policy Statement, Bolema recommends a more permanent solution.
Regulation Why the Court Should Reexamine Administrative Law’s Chenery II Doctrine In this paper, CGO scholars argue that the conventional interpretation of Chenery II is a serious overreading of the Court’s decision.
Federal Policy Does High Market Concentration Contribute to Inflation? Inflation is a top policy concern for Americans. Economist George Ford examines whether market concentration contributed to recent inflation.
Regulation Public Interest Comment on the FTC Trade Regulation Rule on Commercial Surveillance and Data Security The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) through this ANPRM is pursuing a topic of immense importance to the American public and economy.
Technology and Innovation Disrupting the Narrative: Diving Deeper into Section 230 Political Discourse We examine how Section 230 allows platforms to moderate content concerning health misinformation, hate speech, and child abuse materials.
Technology and Innovation Assuming Good Faith Online Online content moderation debates involve a tension between assuming users' good faith and addressing bad faith contributions.
Technology and Innovation Section 230: A Retrospective Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act governs the liability for online crimes among content creators, platforms, and services.
Environmental Stewardship Crowdsourcing Conservation: How to use community science to advance public and private conservation This policy paper examines conservation projects using crowdsourcing to determine if it is a useful tool for advancing conservation efforts.
Immigration Immigration Enforcement and Labor Supply: Hispanic Youth in Mixed-Status Families Authors Joaquin Alfredo-Angel Rubalcaba, Jose R. Bucheli, and Camila Morales evaluate the labor supply behavior of US-born Hispanic youth.
Immigration Manufacturing a Pathway to Citizenship: How Legal Immigration Can Improve Economic Outcomes In this paper, Todd Griffith examines what happened with manufacturing and productivity after Immigration Reform and Control Act took effect.
Environmental Stewardship Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants The Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service proposed a rule to rescind their 2020 habitat definition.
Immigration Are College Graduate Immigrants on Work Visas Cheaper than Natives? Companies hire workers outside the US for positions in the country. Omid Bagheri examines if immigrants are a cheaper workforce than natives.
Federal Policy Impact of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions on Marriage and Divorce Decisions In her analysis, author Chandrayee Chatterjee finds that the likelihood of being newly married decreased following Medicaid expansion.
Technology and Innovation Universal Savings Accounts: A Flexible Financial Tool to Support the Gig Economy This paper explores how reforming the U.S. tax code allows gig economy workers greater financial security through USAs.
Federal Policy Is a Wealth Tax the Best Way to Fight Wealth Inequality? National conversations about wealth inequality in the United States have led to proposals for a wealth tax. Learn more here.
Federal Policy Industry Compliance Costs Under the Renewable Fuel Standard: Evidence from Compliance Credits In this paper, the authors test whether smaller refiners are actually hurt by the RFS. Learn more about the research here.
Federal Policy The US Postal Savings System and the Collapse of Building and Loan Associations during the Great Depression In this working paper, authors explore how competition from the US Postal Savings System affected private financial institutions.
Environmental Stewardship Addressing the Maintenance Backlog on Federal Public Lands Jenkins, Dougher, and Garlick begin by examining how the maintenance backlog was created and why it has persisted over time.
Federal Policy Settling Down: T+2 Settlement Cycle and Liquidity This paper finds that a shortened settlement cycle leads to increased liquidity, particularly for more difficult-to-borrow securities.
Immigration An Auctions Approach to Immigration Policy In this paper, immigration scholars discuss points-based and merit-based immigration reform proposals before detailing their limitations.
Federal Policy Rethinking the Value of Life This research explores the key issues underlying the VSL, including problems with the broader practice of monetizing nonmarket goods.
Federal Policy What Can Be Done to Address Rising Student Debt? This Research in Focus summarizes the data and existing research on student debt and possible policy reforms.
Federal Policy How Do Taxes Affect Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Productivity? This Research in Focus examines how income tax policy shapes incentives for innovation and entrepreneurship in the United States.
Regulation Housing Affordability – Trends, Consequences, and Policies This paper explores housing affordability trends and policy interventions to enhance homeownership and housing accessibility.
Federal Policy A Primer on the Past, Present, and Future of Higher Education This policy paper examines ongoing changes in the cost of attending college, and debt financing of college over the past few decades.
Federal Policy Sources of Consumer Inertia in the Individual Health Insurance Market This paper examines the causes of inertia in health insurance by examining Covered California, the largest U.S. health insurance Marketplace.
Federal Policy A Primer on Housing Finance Reform This paper summarizes key findings from this literature and provides suggestions for how to increase resiliency in U.S. housing markets.
Federal Policy Monumental Debate – What Past Reforms of the Antiquities Act Can Teach Us about Current Controversies Effective reforms limit executive power in designating national monuments, preserving valuable landscapes and artifacts on federal lands.
Federal Policy Executive Discretion and the Antiquities Act This policy paper reviews literature on executive discretion under the Antiquities Act. For more information, refer to the research.
Federal Policy Consumer Protection, Ticket Bots, and the Better Online Ticket Sales (BOTS) Act The use of bots in the online ticket reselling space helps get tickets to those who value them most. See the public interest comment here.