Federal Policy Does High Market Concentration Contribute to Inflation? Inflation is a top policy concern for Americans. Economist George Ford examines whether market concentration contributed to recent inflation.
Immigration The Case for Economic Openness in the Time of Coronavirus To maintain gains from trade, immigration, and capital flows, we must update economic policies for today's era.
COVID Tax Flexibility Can Help in COVID-19 Recovery Tax policy can't stand in the way of the expansion of New Economy businesses that have proven invaluable during the pandemic.
Federal Policy A Primer on the Past, Present, and Future of Higher Education This policy paper examines ongoing changes in the cost of attending college, and debt financing of college over the past few decades.
Federal Policy A Primer on Housing Finance Reform This paper summarizes key findings from this literature and provides suggestions for how to increase resiliency in U.S. housing markets.
Regulation Down Payments and the Homeownership Dream: Not Such a Barrier After All? This research examines the effect of down payment requirements on rates of homeownership in the US. Learn more about the research here.