In this episode of Exformation, Will and Caden take a step back from the usual policy conversations to ask: what are some of the great challenges we could solve if innovation and technology weren’t so cost prohibitive? Will discusses his top three projects, de-extinction and ecological diversity, cross-species communication, and mosquito-transmitted disease eradication. The leaps in innovation that make all three possible may simply be pet projects for billionaires, but their value to the world could make the world a better place for millions.
Show Notes
- West Wing, Institutional Knowledge, Season 7 Ep. 21, YouTube [Link].
- Ross Andersen, WELCOME TO PLEISTOCENE PARK, The Atlantic (Apr. 2017) [Link].
- Phillip Hoare, Sperm whales in 19th century shared ship attack information, Guardian (Mar. 17, 2021) [Link].
- Hal Whitehead, Tim D. Smith and Luke Rendell, Adaptation of sperm whales to open-boat whalers: rapid social learning on a large scale?, Royal Society (Mar 17, 2021) [Link].
- World Mosquito Program, The Wolbachia method [Link].
CGO scholars and fellows frequently comment on a variety of topics for the popular press. The views expressed therein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Center for Growth and Opportunity or the views of Utah State University.